This study aims to stock for the installation of living roofs, from the characteristics of the buildings and the possible improvements in energy efficiency they could achieve. We also hope to determine the beneficial effects that renaturalisation may bring to urban environments with regards to mitigating the heat island effect, improving air quality, and water management.
Organisation responsible: Dirección General Territorio y Arquitectura
Start date: October 2020
The study is focused on identifying the volumetric and construction characteristics of an initial selection of CARM's building stock, focusing on the type and surface area of the roof, which may be suitable for installing living roofs, as well as focusing on the conditions of the surrounding area and their options for improvement through renaturalisation.
The study will provide an analysis methodology for the transformation of conventional roofs into ecological roofs, taking into account the use of the building, its characteristics (surface area, height above the ground, structure, type of roof, sunlight and shade received, etc.), and the physical and climate conditions of its environment.
From all of this, a typological classification will be obtained of the different buildings depending on their roofs and their capacity for installing ecological roofs, indicating at a minimum the forecast reductions in energy consumption, environmental benefits relating to the reduction in the heat island effect, and CO₂ absorption2, as well as estimated installation cost and technical recommendations.
Presentation panels:
EACS Lines of Action:
LA10 Actions led by public administrations as an example and driver of innovation
LA12 Development of sustainable urban planning models
LA13 Promotion of nature-based solutions
Action in process. Once finished, the result will be published.